How 2020 prepared and excited us for 2021
2020 threw a lot of curve balls at everyone and when businesses across the country were forced to make rapid decisions about their company culture, events, and branding, many organizations believed they would never be the same again. However, what began as a head first fall down a seemingly endless staircase has since created some of the most interesting, unique, and innovative opportunities for businesses to embrace the future and rebuild from the ground up.
One of the greatest blows delivered to businesses around the world was the loss of ability to host events. Everything from internal morale boosters and company bonding to major conventions, trade shows, and panel events quickly became a thing of the past with no return in sight. It was through this that we saw the rise of the virtual event space. Companies working around the clock began to develop these virtual spaces, and before we knew it we were seeing college activities fairs in video game worlds, entire conventions held in online hubs modeled after actual venues, and even VR to fully immerse ourselves in 3D lecture spaces and speaker panels. Technology that once seemed to be the thing pushing people apart has now become the greatest tool in bringing us together.
The most exciting part of this technology however, is the implications it has for the future. The technology does not have to be limited to the socially distant era, and with a vaccine rapidly approaching distribution it’s exciting to see what the return to “business as usual” (ha ha) means for these platforms. After all, if you have the ability to to adapt to both an in person and virtual environment, you can be prepared for any situation the modern world can throw at you.
Fresh has been looking at this picture for a while. By generating ideas for platforms that can act as effective activations in both virtual and in person environments, we are able to embrace all of the tools at our disposal to ensure our clients are ready for anything 2021 can throw at us. It’s so incredibly important right now to not think in eithers and ors, but ands. Virtual events made have supplemented the fall of in person events during the COVID-19 pandemic, but that doesn’t mean in person events are gone for good and with the return of in person events on the not so distant horizon, virtual space is not on track to disappear anytime soon. So why are people so focused on one or the other?
Fresh is here to help make you into the swiss army knife of branding and activation that we know you can become. When you’re with us it’s not a question of which space is best for us to tackle now, it’s how can we help you be prepared to tackle any space the past, present, and future can throw at you. 2020 may have been the year of the virtual event, but 2021 is shaping up to be the year where the Fresh-est solutions are the ones that rule.