BU Creative Cafe Portfolio Review
A couple of times a year I am invited to participate in the BU Portfolio Review. Some of the professors, (Edward Boches, Doug Gould) are former mentors and colleagues of mine and so I am always honored and happy to help.
This year what stood out to me was not only the strength of the creative thinking but the fact that a majority of it came from up and coming women with a clear passion and focus for joining and making an impact in this industry.
The strength and confidence of these women was inspiring and I was glad to have been able to guide their thinking, which some of it, even inspired me!
As always there were plenty of talented volunteer reviewers who are generous with their time, some whom I have had the pleasure of working with in the past.
I usually leave the copywriting and art direction guidance to them as they are far more talented than me in that respect but what I do encourage the students to think about is this:
Think of interesting ways to dimensionalize your work and reach people with your message in unconventional, unexpected and disruptive ways.